Just another Internet Persona

Written on 28.03.2024

Welcome on my personal webpage: Internet Pessoa :) I got that name from my favorite author Fernando Pessoa. If you like prose and/or philosophy you should definitly check him out. I've been using that name for my internet persona for quiet a while now. If you want to do Pessoa-related stuff and want the pessoa subdomain you can write me a mail at pessoa@cock.li and we can work something out :)

I wanted to create this page for sooo long now but never found the motivation to do so... BUT NOW I FINALLY DID IT!!! The main reason I created this page is because I want to battle my social media addiction. I spend an unhealty amount on my smartphone and doomscrolling through YT-Shorts/Reddit(what are they called?) and Twitter(sorry... X) feeds. and because I am a big fan of the old internet.

I am on the internet since the late 2000s (2006 maybe? I don't really recall). That means I spent about 85% of my life on the internet. And with that saw how it evolved. And I hate how it evolved. The internet got stripped of its personalization and became just another platform for corporations. But somehow I am really happy that I didn't experienced the early early days of the internet. I would be even more devastated if I had. I went with the flow for years and created accounts on every notable social media platform but they just don't feel the same anymore. I don't know if it is their algorithms that changed or if I just got too old but they don't give of the same feeling of interconnectivity. Being on internet became a routine of absorbing useless content instead of connecting with people. That's why I try to avoid social media sites(YT included) now and try to use the internet as it was meant to be.

Okay okay edgy zoomy rant is now over. I promise. I want to use this site as a personal blog and to share some code snippets I think are worth to share. So if you are interested in that check Programming stuff out :) I am C# developer (till now... the company I work for wants to change to python :( ) and the typical geek. I used to cherish video games but I don't play as much as I did in the past. If I find the time to I usually play old school RPGs like Dragon Quest or gameboy games which I play on my Analogue Pocket My typical week day consists of getting up, going to work where I spend 8-10 hours starring at a screen, coming home to play with my cat and watch old (mostly nickelodeon) shows. You could say I am wageslave maxxing. lol

I am currently running a Nvidia GTX 1070 with an Intel I7 6700K processor. Gladly I freed myself of Microsoft's grip(well partly...). I use Arch Linux as my daily driver distro and against all odds never had a big issue. I installed a Windows 7 Aero theme and use open source software only (except the GUI of my VPN Software). In retrospect it was a really good decision to switch to Linux and to everybody who wants to do the same but fears that he doesn't have enough "know how" I can say. Just do it.

As a mobile device I use a 6 year old Samsung smartphone which will probably die in the next few months. I also bought myself an old flip phone which I currently use as my mobile phone. The samsung one stays at home and is only there for Google Authenticator, WhatsApp and some Crypto Wallets. If the samsung dies I probably won't buy myself a new one. I don't really need a smartphone to be honest. I wish that normal text messages would be socially accepted; all my friends and collegues use WhatsApp :/.

I think that is enough of an introduction :) Please excuse my english I am not a native speaker and I restrain myself from using a translator. If you want you can write me an email: pessoa@cock.li

Please come back later when something happened